After making several beamer slides, I spend some time to organize notes of a title page for recall at any time in the future.

1. Elements of a title page

Use the \titlepage command to insert a title page into a frame:




Before invoking the title page command, all elements that you wish to be shown must be specified.

1.1 title & subtitle

\title[<short title>]{<title>}
\subtitle[<short subtitle>]{<subtitle>}

% template inserts

1.2 author & institute

\author[short author names]{author names}
%The names should be separated using the command \and. In case authors have different affiliations, they should be suffixed by the command \inst with different parameters.

\institute[short institute]{institute}
%If more than one institute is given, they should be separated using the command \and and they should be prefixed by the command \inst with different parameters.

%%% for instance
\author[shortname]{author1 \inst{1} \and author2 \inst{2}}
\institute[shortinst]{\inst{1} affiliation for author1 \and %
                      \inst{2} affiliation for author2}

1.3 date

\date[<short date>]{<date>}

% for instance
\date[Nov. 4\textsc{th}, 2015]{November 4\textsuperscript{th}, 2015}

1.4 titlegraphic

% The <text> is shown as title graphic

% for instance

1.5 subject & keywords

% Enters the text as the subject text in the pdf document info. It currently has no other effect.

% Enters the text as keywords in the pdf document info. It currently has no other effect.

2. Page style

2.1 Remove headline and footline


The \thispagestyle{option} changes the style for the current page only. The valid options are[1]:

  • plain: Just a plain page number.
  • empty: Produces empty heads and feet - no page numbers.
  • headings: Puts running headings on each page. The document style specifies what goes in the headings.
  • myheadings: You specify what is to go in the heading with the \markboth or the \markright commands.

2.2 Remove the page numbering from the first page

Use the frame option noframenumbering not to number the title page.


% OR

    \maketitle  %\def\maketitle{\ifbeamer@inframe\titlepage\else\frame{\titlepage}\fi}

3. Inside template inserts

3.1 Elements of a title page

%%% elements of a title page
\Insertshorttitle[<options>] % \Insertshorttitle[width={3cm},center,respectlinebreaks]
\Insertshortsubtitle[<options>] %   \Insertshortsubtitle[width={3cm},center,respectlinebreaks]

\Insertshortauthor[<options>] % \insertauthor[width={3cm},center,respectlinebreaks]
\Insertshortinstitute[<options>] % \Insertshortinstitute[width={3cm},center,respectlinebreaks]


3.2 Insert the number

%%% insert the number
\insertpagenumber % Inserts the current page number into a template.

%% frame
\insertframenumber % Inserts the number of the current frame (not slide) into a template.
\inserttotalframenumber % Note: The number is only correct on the second run of TEX on your document

\insertframestartpage % Inserts the page number of the first page of the current frame.
\insertframeendpage % Inserts the page number of the last page of the current frame.

%% part
\insertpartstartpage % Inserts the page number of the first page of the current part.
\insertpartendpage % Inserts the page number of the last page of the current part.

%% section 
\Insertsectionstartpage % Inserts the page number of the first page of the current section.
\Insertsectionendpage % Inserts the page number of the last page of the current section.

%% subsection
\Insertsubsectionstartpage % Inserts the page number of the first page of the current subsection.
\Insertsubsectionendpage % Inserts the page number of the last page of the current subsection.

%% presentation
\insertpresentationstartpage % Inserts the page number of the first page of the presentation.
\insertpresentationendpage % Inserts the page number of the last page of the presentation.

%% appendix
\insertappendixstartpage % Inserts the page number of the first page of the appendix. 
\insertappendixendpage % Inserts the page number of the last page of the appendix. 

%% document
\insertdocumentstartpage % Inserts 1.
\insertdocumentendpage % Inserts the page number of the last page of the document

3.3 Insert part & section

%%% section 
\Insertshortpart[<options>] % Inserts the short version of the part name into a template. 

\Insertsection % Inserts the current section into a template.
\Insertsubsection % Inserts the current subsection into a template.
\Insertsubsubsection % Inserts the current subsection into a template.

3.4 Insert navigation

%%% navigation
\insertnavigation{<width>} % Inserts a horizontal navigation bar of the given <width> into a template.
\insertverticalnavigation{<width>} % The bar shows a little table of contents. The individual lines are typeset using the templates section in head/foot and subsection in head/foot.

%% section 
\Insertsectionnavigation{<width>} % Inserts a vertical navigation bar containing all sections, with the current section highlighted.
\Insertsectionnavigationhorizontal{<width>}{<left insert>}{<right insert>} % Inserts a horizontal navigation bar containing all sections, with the current section highlighted. 

%% subsection
\Insertsubsectionnavigation{<width>} % Inserts a vertical navigation bar containing all subsections of the current section, with the current subsection highlighted.
\Insertsubsectionnavigationhorizontal{<width>}{<left insert>}{<right insert>}


[1] LaTeX Page Styles

[2] StackExchange TeX: How to add several authors with different affiliations in beamer?

[3] The beamer class User Guide for version 3.36.pdf

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